Paper Submission

Important Dates:

  • Deadline for paper submission is: May 31, 2011 June 15, 2011 (Extended Deadline).
  • Deadline for Registration and Final Manuscripts Submission is: September 16, 2011 September 29, 2011.

For Publication related enquiries, please contact:
For general enquiries, please contact:

Formatting Instructions

Formatting instructions can be found here.
Each paper should follow the IEEE paper format (DOC, LaTex) with title, authors’ names, affiliations and email addresses, an up to 150-words abstract, and a two-column body with 4~6 single-spaced pages and with font size at 10 pts. All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format only.

Submission Instructions

Manuscript submission will be made through EDAS. The following steps are required:

  1. Please follow these instructions for registering in the EDAS submission system.
  2. Using your EDAS login and password, please submit your manuscript here (please, select the proper track: “General Session” track or the track “SSxx” associated to the special session or workshop you are submitting your paper).

Final Paper Submission Instructions

Authors of all the accepted papers must submit the final manuscripts electronically. Please revise the paper strictly in accordance with the referee comments. Publication chairs will go through all the final camera ready papers before finalizing the proceedings.
Length: Camera-ready version of papers must not exceed the following size limits.
Regular papers: 6 pages (up to two extra pages allowed by paying the extra paper charges).
Please strictly follow the given IEEE Paper Template:

All authors must also complete and submit a copy of IEEE Copyright Form to accompany with each paper submission.
ISDA’11 Copyright form: MS Word, PDF.
Final Manuscripts are to be submitted in IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF format. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Create your manuscript as specified in the template provided.  The title, author names, affiliations, etc. should strictly follow the format. Please don’t use author titles (Dr., Prof., etc.) in front of names and also avoid using positions (Professor, Lecturer, Scholar, etc.). The title shall be in Normal fonts (not capitals).
  2. Proof read and check layout of paper.
  3. Go to IEEE PDF eXpress Website ( Click on the link “New Users – Click Here” and fill in your information.
  4. Create IEEE PDF eXpress account (conference ID:  isda11x).
  5. IEEE PDF eXpress account will be available from September 05 – September 29.
  6. Use IEEE PDF eXpress to convert your source file into IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF(s). The site contains extensive instructions, resources, helpful hints, and access to technical support.
  7. Please note that PDF Xpress only creates the PDF files for you, and you should still submit the converted file at our online submission system as given below.

After completion of the above steps, please submit your final camera ready paper (IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file only) using your EDAS-ISDA2011 account:
Please also submit your final camera ready paper, source files, copyright form and the registration receipt (as a zipped archive) to: In the subject line of the email, please mention your paper ID and inside the email text, please mention the title, list of authors and also the abstract of your paper.