Najib Ben Aoun
Najib Ben Aoun
PhD Student
Personal Web Site: http://members.regim.org/benaounnajib
Main page: http://www.mirlabs.net/global/index.php?c=main&a=person&id=886
Short Biography
NAJIB BEN AOUN received the Master and the Ph.D degrees in Computer Systems engineering from the National School of Engineers Sfax (ENIS), Tunisia. He has more than 17 years of teaching as well as Bachelor, Master and Ph.D students mentoring experience. He is currently an assistant professor at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology (CCS&IT) of Al-Baha University, Saudi Arabia. He is also a senior researcher within the REsearch Groups in Intelligent Machines (REGIM-Lab). His main research interests are focused on machine learning models for computer vision and data science applications. He has published numerous research papers in reputed international conferences and high-level journals. Besides, Dr. Najib is an academic editor of PLOS ONE and the Science Publications journal of computer science since 2022. In addition, he has participated in the organization of several conferences (steering committee member, publication chair, session chair, publicity committee member, technical committee member, etc.) and served as a reviewer for numerous international conferences and journals. Dr. Najib is currently an ACM, IAPR, MIRLabs, IAES, IEEE and IEEE SPS member as well as IEEE SPS IVMSP, MMSP and MLSP technical committee affiliate member. He was the secretary and the treasurer of the SPS Tunisia chapter in 2015-2016 and the IEEE SPS student branch chapter chair at ENIS during 2011-2012 (treasurer during 2010). In 2013, Dr. Najib has obtained the IEEE appreciation award for his contributions as vice-chair of the SPS Tunisia Chapter.
List of top 5 publications in the last 5 years
1- Chaibi, N., Ben Aoun, N. and Zaied, M., (2023) Image Super Resolution Boosting using Beta Wavelet, Signal, Image and Video Processing Journal. (Impact factor=2.3, Scopus Q2). 2- Nhidi, W., Ben Aoun, N. and Ejbali, R., (2023) Deep Learning-Based Parasitic Egg Identification from a Slender-Billed Gull’s Nest, IEEE ACCESS, vol.11, pp. 3719437202, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3267083. (Impact factor=3.476, Scopus Q1) 3- Brahimi, S., Ben Aoun, N., Ben Amar, C., BENOIT, A., and LAMBERT, P., (2019) Semantic Segmentation using Reinforced Fully Convolutional DenseNet with Multiscale Kernel, Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(8). (Impact factor=2.313, Scopus Q1). 4- Brahimi, S., Ben Aoun, N. and Ben Amar, C., (2019) Boosted Convolutional Neural Network for Object Recognition at large scale, Journal of Neurocomputing, 330, pp. 337-354. (Impact factor=4.438, Scopus Q1). 5- Ahmad, S., Ben Aoun, N., Gauhar, A., El Affendi, M.A and Anwar, M.S, (2023), MultiClustered Mathematical Model for Student Cognitive Skills Prediction Optimization, IEEE ACCESS, vol.11, pp. -, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3285612. (Impact factor=3.476, Scopus Q1).
List of top 5 academic activities during the last 5 years
- 2015-Present: Assistant Professor, College of Computer Science and Information Technology (CCS&IT), Al-Baha University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. - 2019-2021: College Coordinator and Secretary for the Accreditation, Quality and Self-Study Committee (we have gotten the NCAAA accreditation at the Institutional/University and computer science program levels in 2021/2022), College of ComputerScience and Information Technology (CCS&IT), Al-Baha University -