Sang Yong Han
Sang Yong Han
Chung-Ang University, Seoul
Regular Member
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Main page: http://www.mirlabs.net/global/index.php?c=main&a=person&id=57
Short Biography
Sang Yong Han is a Dean of Graduate School of Information Science of the Chung-Ang University in Seoul, Korea. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from the Seoul National University and a Doctorate in Computer Engineering from the University of Minnesota. In 1984, he joined IBM Laboratory in Kingston, NY and later became a member of IBM Watson Research Center when he left a company in 1995. During his tenure in IBM, he served as an adjunctive professor of RPI in Troy, NY for three years and was a visiting scholar of UC Berkeley for one year.

He joined the Chung-Ang University in 1995, where he is currently a professor of the School of Computer Science and Engineering. He served as a chair person of the Society of Korea Software Appraisal and Evaluation for two years and a director of the Information and Telecommunication Research Institute of the Chung-Ang University. He has published more than 100 papers in scientific journal and conferences including more than 30 journal papers indexed by SCI (or SCIE). He also registered 10 domestic and international patents. His research interests are in the area of next generation web technologies including web services and semantic web, information retrieval and optimization algorithms.

Dr. Han is vigorously involved in a series of international conferences. He served as General Co-Chair of NWeSP'05, NWeSP'06, NWeSP'07, NWeSP'08, CiCLing2004 and was a General Chair of the first Conference of KSEA. He also served as an Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Web Services and Practices and was a guest editor of Journal of Digital Information Management. the Web Technology. He also served as a PC member of the following international conferences. Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies(PDCAT'05), Information and Communication Technologies International Symposium (ICTIS'05), Information Assurance and Security (IAS'05), Intelligent Systems Design and Applications ISDA'05, EEE/CEC, HSI2006, ICDIM2006, CIC-2006, and EEE/CEC '07. Dr. Han is also included in Marquis ""Who's Who 2009 edition"".
List of top 5 publications in the last 5 years
List of top 5 academic activities during the last 5 years