Aaisha Makkar
Aaisha Makkar
Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Seoul
Regular Member
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Short Biography
Dr. Aaisha Makkar is serving as a post-doctorate research professor at Seoul National University of Science & Technology. She received her Ph.D. degree from the Computer Science and Engineering Department in Thapar Institute of Engineering &Technology, Patiala(Punjab), India. Her research interests are in data mining, web mining, algorithms, machine learning, deep learning, and the Internet of things. She has experience of more than 10 years in teaching and research. She is the author of a machine learning book, entitled “Machine Learning in Cognitive IoT”. Dr. Makkar has secured a number of research articles in top-tier journals as well as international conferences.
Some of these are IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Future Generation Computer Systems, IEEE IoT Journal, Information Sciences, IEEE Globecom. She is serving as an associate editor in HCIS (SCI, IF:5.9) journal. She has organized various special sessions at esteemed international conferences. She is a member of IEEE, IEEE CIS, and ACM. She is co-editing 5 books with Springer and Elsevier.
List of top 5 publications in the last 5 years

1. Makkar, Aaisha, Uttam Ghosh, Pradip Kumar Sharma, and Amir Javed. "A fuzzy-based approach to enhance cyber defence security for next-generation IoT." IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021).

2. Makkar, Aaisha, Sahil Garg, Neeraj Kumar, M. Shamim Hossain, Ahmed Ghoneim, and Mubarak Alrashoud. "An efficient spam detection technique for IoT devices using machine learning." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17, no. 2 (2020): 903-912.

3. Makkar, Aaisha, and Neeraj Kumar. "Cognitive spammer: a framework for pagerank analysis with split by over-sampling and train by under-fitting." Future Generation Computer Systems 90 (2019): 381-404. 

4. Makkar, Aaisha, Neeraj Kumar, Albert Y. Zomaya, and Shalini Dhiman. "SPAMI: A cognitive spam protector for advertisement malicious images." Information Sciences 540 (2020): 17-37.

5. Makkar, Aaisha, Uttam Ghosh, and Pradip Kumar Sharma. "Artificial Intelligence and Edge Computing-enabled Web Spam Detection for Next Generation IoT Applications." IEEE Sensors Journal (2021).

List of top 5 academic activities during the last 5 years