Amir Atiya
Amir Atiya
Cairo University, Egypt
Regular Member
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Main page: http://www.mirlabs.net/global/index.php?c=main&a=person&id=137
Short Biography
Dr. Amir Atiya received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Cairo University in1982 and1985 respectively, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Caltech (California Institute of Technology), in 1986 and 1991 respectively, all in electrical engineering. Dr. Atiya is currently a Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering, Cairo University. During1997-2001 he held the position of Visiting Associate at Caltech, and during the summer of 2005 he was a Visiting Professor at Chonbuk National University, South Korea. He also held various appointments in the finance industry and in the data mining industry.

His research interests are in the areas of statistics, machine learning, theory of forecasting, neural networks, computational finance, and pattern recognition, in which he published over 50 journal papers and 80 conference papers. His work is highly cited and one of his models has been included in Matlab as a function in the financial toolbox. Dr. Atiya received the highly regarded Kuwait Prize in 2005. He also received the Egyptian State Prize for Best Research in Science and Engineering, in 1994, and received the Young Investigator Award from the International Neural Network Society, in 1996. Currently, he is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, since 1998. He was a Guest Co-editor of the special issue of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks on 'Neural Networks in Financial Engineering', July 2001, and was a Guest Co-editor of the special issue of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks on 'Adaptive Learning Systems in Communications Networks', September 2005.
List of top 5 publications in the last 5 years
List of top 5 academic activities during the last 5 years