Habiba Drias
Habiba Drias
Habiba Drias, USTHB
Regular Member
Personal Web Site:
Main page: http://www.mirlabs.net/global/index.php?c=main&a=person&id=136
Short Biography
Habiba Drias received the M.S. degree in computer science from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OHIO USA in 1984 and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from USTHB, Algiers, Algeria in collaboration with UPMC, Paris6, France, in 1993. She is a full professor at USTHB since 1999 and directs the Laboratory of Research in Artificial Intelligence (LRIA). She has conceived recently a M.S. program on intelligent computer systems of which she is responsible. Previously she was the head of the Computer Science Institute of USTHB from 1995 to 1998 and the general director of the Algerian National Institute of Informatics -NI- from 2003 to 2008. Besides she conducted 6 national research projects and 3 international ones (CMEP and CNRS). Her research was primarily focused on the satisfiability problem and then on artificial intelligence technologies. She has a wide international experience in the domain of computational intelligence and more precisely in agent technology and meta-heuristics. She has worked on satisfiability, multi-agent systems, tabu search, scatter search, genetic and memetic algorithms, guided local search and bio-inspired approaches such as ACO and PSO. She is the author of Bees Swarm Optimization (BSO) published in 2005. More recently, her research investigations include intelligent data mining and large scale and knowledge-based information retrieval. She has published since 1992 around 135 papers in well recognized international conferences and journals (35 in journals and 100 in conference proceedings) and has been advisor of 9 Ph. D. Theses, 37 master theses and 31 engineer projects. On the other hand, she has attended many international conferences in artificial intelligence from all the continents and has organized many national conferences. Recently she has been the General Chair of the International Conference on Machine and Web Intelligence ICMWI'2010 technically co-sponsored by IEEE Communication Society and whose proceedings appear in IEEE Xplore Library. She has also served on program committees for national and international conferences. She is currently guest editor of the Special Issue on "Intelligent Operations Management and Global Business Services" 2011 of the International Journal of Advanced Operations Management (IJAOM).
List of top 5 publications in the last 5 years
List of top 5 academic activities during the last 5 years