Gabriel Ciobanu
Gabriel Ciobanu
A.I. Cuza University, Iasi
Regular Member
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Short Biography
Gabriel Ciobanu is a senior researcher of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, and a Professor at the "A.I. Cuza" University of Iasi. He was a visiting academic to Edinburgh University, Paris XI, Tohoku University, University of Amsterdam (CWI), and National University of Singapore.

His research interests include Distributed Systems and Concurrency, Computational Models and Methods in Biology, and Theory of Programming. He is (co)author/editor of 5 books and over 100 papers on these topics. For his research in these areas, he received the 2004 Octav Mayer Award and the 2000 Grigore Moisil Award of the Romanian Academy of Sciences. He is Editor-in Chief of the Scientific Annals of Computer Science.
List of top 5 publications in the last 5 years
List of top 5 academic activities during the last 5 years