Mourad Mars
Mourad Mars
Research Scientist in Computer Science & Natural Language Processing,
Regular Member
Personal Web Site:
Main page: http://www.mirlabs.net/global/index.php?c=main&a=person&id=1001
Short Biography
Dr Mourad MARS is an Assistant professor at the Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics of Monastir. He received his Ph.D in Computer Science and Natural Language Processing with the highest-honors from the University of Grenoble (France) in 2012. Currently, he is a research member of LIDILEM laboratory (France) and LaTICE laboratory (Tunisia).
His main research interest is in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) in general including Part Of Speech Tagging, Spell checking, Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), Speech Recognition, Name Entities Extraction, etc. He is also active in the development of Arabic language resources (dictionnaries, parallel corpora, multilingual text corpus, language models, speech corpora, lexicons, etc) and in the evaluation of NLP tools.
Since joining the University of Grenoble and particulary the LIDILEM laboratory in 2005, he participated in several projects including MIRTO project (Computer Assisted Language Learning platform based on NLP tools) and He was also a major contributor to the LIDILEM Statistical Part of Speech Tagger project. He also served as temporary assistant professor at the University of Grenoble.
Actually, he collaborate with theTAUS (Translation Automation User Society) R&D team, based in Netherlands, on a project titled “TheTAUS English/French Statistical MachineTranslation Engines”.
List of top 5 publications in the last 5 years

[Mars et al, 2012], M. Mars, G. Antoniadis, M. Zrigui, "NLP Tools Integration in ICALL Arabic Systems: Case of @rab-Learn", FEC’S12 - The 2012 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

[Zrigui et al, 2012], M. Zrigui, R. Ayadi, M. Maraoui, M. Mars, "Arabic Text Classification Framework Based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation", (CIT Journal).

[Ben Mohamed et al, 2011], M.A. Ben Mohamed, D.EL Ghoul, M. Nahdi, M. Mars, M. Zrigui, "Arabic CALL System Based on Pedagogically Indexed Text", ICAI - The 2011 International Conférence on Artificial Intelligence. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

[Mars et al, 2011], M. Mars, G. Antoniadis, M. Zrigui, "Which Algorithm and Approach for Arabic Part Of Speech Tagging", CITII, Journal Research in Computing Science (RCS Journal), Vol 50, pp. 235 -245, Apizaco, Mexique.

[Mars et al, 2008], M. Mars, M. Zrigui, M. Belgacem, A. Zouaghi, "A Semantic Analyzer for the Comprehension of the Spontaneous Arabic Speech", 9th International Conference on Computing CORE, Journal Research in Computing Science (RCS Journal), Vol 34, pp 129-140, CORE Mexico city - Mecxico.

List of top 5 academic activities during the last 5 years
  • Assistant Professor, High School of Computer Science and Mathematics of Monastir (ISIMM) - Tunisia.
  • Ph.D, Computer Science and Natural Language Processing, LIDILEM Labs & LaTICE Labs, University of Grenoble - France.
  • Temporary Assistant Professor, University of Grenoble - France.
  • Teaching Software Development, Micro Application - France.
  • Web Development Engineer, Engineer at University of Grenoble - France.